DOCUMENTS released under Freedom of Information laws show that the trial by the Department of Social Services (DSS) to reduce regulation of nursing homes will expose residents to serious risk.
DOCUMENTS released under Freedom of Information laws show that the trial by the Department of Social Services (DSS) to reduce regulation of nursing homes will expose residents to serious risk.
This is in memory of "Mary". I am sorry I could not do much to help you. You and your family put your trust into this aged care facility. You were failed.
Aged Care Crisis spoke around their concerns regarding the protections around vulnerable residents in care at the Community Affairs References Committee - Care and management of younger and older Australians living with dementia and behavioural and psychiatric symptoms of dementia earlier this year.
They highlighted the inadequate protections afforded to vulnerable people in care in relation to the Complaints Scheme and the reasons for this in the following parts of the Transcript, below:
Community-care packages have traditionally been case-managed packages of services for older people requiring residential care but wanting to stay in their home. Since July 1, all new community-care packages in Australia have become consumer directed, which means that, within an allocated budget, the older person will choose the services they want.
On 21 August 2012, Aged Care Crisis wrote a strongly worded letter to the then minister, the Hon Mark Butler, demanding change on behalf of Australian citizens. In this we were very critical of the Productivity Commission's report 'Caring for Older Australians' indicating that it was making the situation worse. We set out a list of the changes that were urgently required if the serious failures in the system were to be addressed. None of them have yet been addressed.
That letter set out the reasons aged care has failed so badly and why it has deteriorated to the extent that we needed a Royal Commission in 2018.
The following letters were sent respectively, to the Minister for Mental Health and Ageing, Mark Butler, The Aged Care Commissioner, and the Department of Health and Ageing, by a concerned family member on the 18th August 2012, as a last resort effort to have their concerns addressed following ABC 7.30 Report coverage regarding rorts in aged care.