
Review of the Aged Care Complaints Investigation Scheme - Assoc Prof Merrilyn Walton, October 2009

This was a very thorough review that found that, in spite of good intentions, the complaints system (CIS) run by the Department of Health and Ageing did not operate effectively. Professor Walton went to the heart of the matter and made many criticisms. Essentially the department was trapped in regulations and obsessed with natural justice rather that resolution for the distressed resident and family.

Commonwealth Ombudsman National Conference

Plenary Session 2: Generic systems—diverse communities
Rhonda Parker, Aged Care Complaints Commissioner
24 September 2009

Thank you for the invitation to be present with you and for the opportunity to speak on the challenge diverse communities present for generic systems.

The following letter was sent out to various organisations and government members, by Dr J Michael Wynne in June 2008, in an effort to have the concerns regarding probity in aged care addressed.  To date (2020), the problem remains.