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We invite you to contribute and debate aged care - not by complaining, but by coming up with solutions. Each contribution will be publicly available (unless confidentiality is requested) and comment on it will be encouraged.  If you wish to discuss the confidentiality of your submission prior to lodging it, please contact us.

For tips on making a contribution, please view our Join the Conversation web page.
You can also download our docxContribution template28.45 KB.

  1. Contributions: submit your contribution using the form below. We accept electronic formats in either Microsoft Word or Open Office document formats (MAC or Windows platforms acceptable).
  2. Short comments:  you can fill out the 'Add A Comment' form at the base of relevant pages.
  3. If you would like to discuss your experience please use the add a comment on the Contributions page.

Contribution guidelines: We reserve the right to edit out any inappropriate or defamatory comment or reject the submission on these grounds or if it is frivolous and unhelpful. Accepted feedback and contributions will be published in the Contributions section. If you would like all or part of your submission to be made confidential, please indicate when making your submission, as well as providing some detail within your contribution.

Please refer to our website terms and conditions for publishing of information and site use.

Make a contribution:

In the spirit of transparency and open public debate, Aged Care Crisis encourages authors to make their contributions public. We also acknowledge that there may be circumstances where some authors may wish part or all of their contributions to be confidential. For example, some family members or staff working in the sector may wish to partake in the public debate around aged care, but would like to request anonymity. ACC will consider these requests and ask that you contact us prior to making a contribution.

Public: your contribution may be published and comment invited

Partially confidential: your contribution may be published but all identifying details (including your name) will be withheld. Your contribution may be referred to and comment invited, but no identifying information will be disclosed.

Allowed file types: doc, docx, rtf, odf (Windows or Mac format)

Maximum file size limit: 3mb



  • Where possible, contributions will be converted to HTML (or pdf format) and published in the contributions section, where everyone will be able to see and comment on what is being said.
  • Contributions can contain links to material on your own or other websites, but not to advertisements advertising your services or products unless they are supplying information relevant to the debate.
  • Comments are page specific, and will be placed at the base of each page where others can view or respond. Commenters can subscribe to any follow-up comments. (*As comments are short, it may be more constructive to provide feedback using the form, below).



#3 Sharon Cox 2020-11-29 10:07
PEOPLE BEFORE PROFITS. This includes staff and residents. Care workers are run off their feet, they have no time to provide QUALITY of care for residents, therefor everyone suffers. Care work should be a most satisfying and rewarding job and it could be if staff were given the time to provide the rewarding care that residents and staff deserve
#2 Helen Hackett 2017-04-23 16:50
I would like to be informed if any of the Aged Care Commission findings are to be used in a publication. I do have the conclusive findings by the Aged Care Commissioner.
#1 SickAndTired 2016-11-02 11:41
Most Aged Care Places In Victoria are run by greedy Owners that do not care for the care needs of their Residents at all. The Aged Care workers (Not the Registered Nurses) are treated poorly, bullied by Facility Managers and Registered Nurses. Most of it takes place at (names removed). Their bullying policies are of no use!